Monday, August 16, 2010

Camping trip to Odell Lake

On Thursday I went Camping with Cole and my brother Matthew.... Oh and my Dad. We went to a small Campsite only accessible by boat. The boat was loaded down so low all you have to do is put your arm over the side and you can touch the water. We got to camp with about an hour and a half left of day light to set up camp. The next day Cole dug a stream through a peninsula and made a Island and made a bunch of stuff with it. After a day he started calling it his Island and he kinda got really annoying. We went fishing just me and Cole twice the first time was nice but then the second one all but one fishing pole was not working so I got really mad then gave up and jumped out of the boat and swam. Jumping out the boat was the best part but the swimming was kinda FREZING!!! Me and Cole each shot a camp robber and sadly both times they did not die instantly. So we had to finish the job and Cole missed at almost point blank which was very VERY!! FUNNY!! We fed the birds that where crazy enough to come close enough but we where pretty bad shots so they got away easily.I named my bird I call him Triple D for Dead Dare Devil. Cole also killed a ground squirrel but it was so cute we did not let him hunt any of them any more.

Once when we where out in the Lake we found a Sea Gull it had a lure stuck in it mouth and alot of line wrapped all over it. It tried to swim away from us but I got the line and pulled it it. The bird had the lure on it throat. So we had to get it of or it would die. the line was wrap around its beak so we unwrapped it and and the bird bite my dad he called it a little ba***** . We got the hook out of the birds neck but then it grabbed it away from my dad and the hook hooked its tongue and my dad called it Dumb s***. But after a will of clipping and stuff we let it go and it was very happy. And so was my Dad he got another lure to use.

We went home on sunday after a long fun trip......................

I love Camping....................................

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