Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Camping Trip with Nathan!!!

On the first of July we picked up Nathan from his house and me, Matthew and Dad took of with him to the Willamette river to go camping for 2 nights. Nathan was really excited to go camping and especially Fishing! He had got himself a license and had his pole ready. Sadly though, during the trip he didn't reel one in at least I don't remember he did... Me and Nathan went down on the kayak which was it's second float ever. We set up the tent and collected wood for the awesome bond fire that we had that night (HUGE HUNKS OF DRIFT LOGS... Dad brought his chainsaw:).

The next mourning we slept in til' about 10 or so, ate breakfast, then spread out all over the Island to go fishing. Eventually, me Nathan and Matthew stopped at this spot of the Island were there are two fairly strong currants reconnecting because of a much smaller island was separating them. (you could call it rapids but there wasn't any "White water"). We were casting our lines not catching anything so I decided to cross over to this small island and I do this big cast way down stream down to were the currant starts to slow down again. Start reeling and bam! I get this big trout on, the fight was really difficult for me because I was fighting the fish and the currant. So for about 4 min. or so we fought. I eventually bring it in on the shore (after crossing back to the main Island). It was about a 15'' Rainbow Trout, I then started to try and get the hook out of it's mouth because it was a native. Because I didn't have pliers I could not get that hook out. So Matthew went to go get Dad (who had the pliers) but by the time he got him and brought him back the fish was to far gone. So we put it out of it's misery. I felt bad that I took out such a good fish that wasn't breded to be killed, but my dad had a good lunch.

After this me and Nathan crossed the big water to go explore some back water some spots were just perfect for swimming but it still wasn't hot enough to get soaked. We soon got to a shallow part were I decided to get out bare foot and Nathan decided to stay in the boat and keep paddling. He went ahead and it turned out there still was another deep spot before it stayed pretty sallow. So I crossed it yelling at Nathan to turn around and give me back my water shoes and it was cold. He laughed turned around got out and gave me my shoes and the towing began. We carried it up over really sallow spots and so on. When I finally saw the main river again I decided to get wet. I stopped for a second Nathan looked at me funny and then I fell. SPLASH! We got to the river and found that Dad and Matthew used the motor on the Drift boat to get there about 5 min. after we left. They had waiting for us for a while...

Later that day we went body surfing down the same "rapids" we went fishing a few hours before. I went screaming out about how cold the water was all the way. Then Nathan got the nerve, laughing all the way HA HA HAA!! We did that a few times then Dad and Matthew joined, went down together a few times. Then we walked up stream (in the water) and went exploring! We collected some cool rocks and smashed a few as well. We got a "Friendship Rock" we smashed a fairly large quarts (I think that's what it is) in two and when we meet we can put the two pieces together. We also made up a game with these logs were we made a point system and we would throw rocks at the logs in the middle of the river (it was fun). On the way back to camp we used the currant to take us down in our life jackets. (I was still telling everyone about how cold it was:)

The next day me and Nathan fished. And later we got some pieces of wood and some rocks and flowers and made our own chess set. All three games I won... That is about it the rest was just leaving the Island and such soooo. Fin of this Camping trip!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cali 2011

A week ago I went to California for my first time with my youth group. We went to Hunington beach, Six Flags Magic Moutain theme park, San moniaco and San Clemente.
I learned to surf which is really hard. Surfing doesn't suck it's just to hard to get up for me so I will mostly stick to Boogie boarding. Being on the boogie board just glading down the wave was awesome especially when me and Cole got on the same wave. Running around in the water was really great minus all the people being around. We messed around with this big inflatable ball in the water which was hard to get out really far becuase of the waves. We also body surfed when we didn't have a ball or boards. It was a blast!!! Most of the time though Quinn stayed out of the water I don't know why...

In the hotel I was the "lucky" one who got the spring mattress in front of the T.V.. I was probably the one least happy with having to wake up to tristan's need for T.V. in the mourning (Sam didn't like it much either). Cole the one that gets deprived of tv loved evey second he got. I think it was pretty sad how we spent several hours playing video games and watching tv in a hotel. Even though I was sick I still wanted something else. (According to this it sounds like we did lots of media time but not really this was just one of the days after the all day beach day. (very tirering (don't care if it's not a word!!)

The games we played at the hotel was Pool, Fuse ball, Air hockey and shuffle board. Shuffle board was a fun interesting game that after a few games I figured it out, we played after dinner mostly. About 4 or 5 of us would play me, Quinn, Cole, Conner and Jordan. We played fuse ball and I won then everyone quit... We played air hockey they wouldn't let me play... Then Pool the first game was interesting I won... The 2,3 & 4 game each went by in about a minute I won, he scratched..;) =0HEHE 3 times in a row!!! Every game me and Cole was great though Cole needs help I almost lost becuase I was laughing at his fails so much. The last game geuss who won.... me!!!

The roller coaster rides at Six Flags where great though Ninja and the Gold rush coasters were not very scary (Quinn only likes thoughs). Goliath was a scary fisrt drop then not reall scary just awesome!!! Viper was my favorite with all of the loops. It had a PRETZEL loop AWESOME!!! Almost lost my sun glasses several times. The Food at the park was of course expensive thought he food was very good. I ended up spending a little less than $15 for a Orange soda and cheese pizza with 2 cheese sticks. It was great... One last thing this year Cole went on Superman YOU ARE GOING ON IT NEXT YEAR!!! word.

all in all this was a fun trip...